Sunday, February 19, 2012

I believe in.....

Faeries. Those mystical beings who flit about like butterflies? I believe they are feasible. And a lot more interesting than other celestial beings out there. They are so delicate and beautiful with their gossamer wings that it's hard not to be attracted to the idea of there being faeries out there. I will admit that it is quite "girly" and childish to entertain such fantasies but I also believe that zombies are quite possible.... I am, as one can see, a girl of "many colours". I have a sparkly, girly pink side and a dark, gory horror side that often meld into one glittering undead, kawaii thing.

So do bear with me while I entertain both sides of myself on this blog!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Dandelion Wish

So here i am, again, back at this blogging site and attempting to say something that catches someone's eye! I have been thinking about delicate things lately, such as dandelions. They are so simple yet timelessly beautiful and a global symbol of whimsy and delight. I often feel like returning to my childhood and grabbing a handful of the puffy flowers, blowing them to bits ad making as many wishes that pop into my head....

Wishes are a funny phenomenon. A wish can be an average "want" or need, or a splendiferous and fantastic desire (such as living in a magical treehouse in Hogwarts's gardens!). I wish for many things, oft-times they are the latter but I do have achievable goals; finishing Honours, moving into my own little nook and having my dream wedding..... but, as do we all, I have a dream. A pure, white-hot desire to be a published author by the time I am at least 35. It is wishes such as this that make one push on with daily life; the wish we first wished when we discovered the dandelion innocently bobbing about in our garden at 6 years old.

This blog is going to be a mish-mash of odditites but one thing is for sure, I will always include writing, for I believe that writing (be it fiction or non) is one of the purest forms of self expression and art. A writer can paint a picture as vivid as any painter can, can create a song as beautiful as any opera-singer and can let us escape to places beyond the imagination of a movie director. So I urge everyone reading this to pick up a pen, sit at the keyboard or jot down something on your iPad and to write!