Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time for myself, what with Honours assignments and my thesis, relaxation is a bit of a dream right now! On that topic, I would like to speak about writer's block. I have been feeling this way for a while: full of ideas but with no idea (hur hur) of how to put them into coherent, beautiful words. It's a terrible situation for anyone out there who writes, from poetry to novels to articles; we just cannot write! But I'll tell you one thing, having someone to support you really helps :D I have the most magnificent partner and he makes it all better....

This leads me to another thing that has been on my mind: Love. It is such a beautiful thing, love. Everybody feels it sometime in their life; it's human nature. There are different kinds of love but I feel that each one has it's own beauty. There is parental, familial love; we all love our parents (most of the time) and our siblings. This is unconditional love, like that of a newborn baby for it's mother. We also have the love we share with our partners. It is deep, this Love; crossing all boundaries and breaking down any walls we may have. This love, for me, is the sweetest love I have ever known. Then, for anyone who has pets, we have the intense love we feel for those furry critters. I myself have ten cats and I love each and every one of them, deeply and without inhibition. Pure love, no matter where it is found and who it is found with, makes anyone glow and become more beautiful!

So, my message for today is this: try to, somehow, find love. It is all around you, all you have to do is look!